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It has been raining, RAINING, raining, for days. I feel like I might float away. It has made me aware of a gaping hole in my SHOE collection.

I CANNOT believe I have not shared my passion for shoes with you, fine blog readers. What was I thinking? Clearly I was not. Well I know I shared my pillow obsession. But my shoe love far surpasses my pillow talk. (Pun Intended) Hello, my name is Mrs. Smith, and I have a shoe PROBLEM. They are so pretty and fit no matter if you gain a few or lose a few pounds. Am I right, LADIES?

And as much as I LOVE shoes, I do not own rainboots. What?! How did this happen? Maybe I am too picky or indecisive. How do you choose rainboots that will work with most OUTFIT choices? Do you have any advice for me?

How about one of these PLAID options?

                                              Red Plaid Rain Boot from Target

                                                 Bias Plaid Rain Boot from Target

Or maybe I should go with a SOLID print? Maybe a classic Hunter, that will last forever?

                                                                Hunter Rain Boot